my Leitmontif..

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Something extra for my dearest Friends

Well... I am sure that we have always felt something like this " Why is life so unfair? Why am I always the unlucky one? For instance, today hasn't been smooth for me. Nonetheless we still move on with our lives with our bits and pieces of grumping. However, if we continue with the way we may be now, it is only inevitable that we will grow up to become a pessimist.

Think about it, what is good when we live in a world without bad. How will happiness feel like if we don't have something called sadness? To me, sometimes life is just like 2 sides to a coin. There are definitely good & bad, ups and down. I am sure that all of us here hope that our life can be the way we want it to be. Some may want to be rich, some may want certain things in life. But my point is, "Would life be as fun if everything follows according to what you planned?"
The answer would undoubtedly be a NO!

Since we can't control the obstacles that we may meet in our life, why ain't we looking at it from a different perspective?

Solution: Become a optimist! A optimist is someone who see opportunities in every disaster!

1. Say something positive about yourself and people around you everyday!
2.Be courteous. Always say "please" and "thank you"
3.When things go wrong, take it on the chin and move on. Identify and implement the key learning points from the failure, but do not dwell on the situation.
*Taken from some newspaper article

*Optimists smile 38% more than Pessimists..

If by doing this little acts each day can make a whole lot of difference to our lives, why shouldn't we be doing them? Although I not able to fulfill these acts fully, I have been trying and will keep on trying.


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